Actual doodling

I’ve noticed another interesting tendency when it comes to drawing and doodling, but felt I was running out of space in my last post.

25 years ago without internet, when I doodled it was MY creatures and shapes, I thought they were funny and original. These days, because there are so many pretty things to ogle, I see my tastes run exactly the same course as everybody elses.

Continue reading “Actual doodling”

Doodle time?


How long has it been since I “promised” to perform daily doodles and new postcards? 3 years? Well, I think we can safely say that it’s probably not my thing to commit to daily fixed tasks at all, because I haven’t done much of either. Continue reading “Doodle time?”

Warped stretcher bars


Normally they say that if a canvas won’t hang flat against the wall and wedges don’t solve the problem, restretch. If the frame itself is warped, get another.

So what do you do if you are “poor” and kept a large bundle of previously used bars in your barn for better times, and, when assembled anew, some of them warp? Continue reading “Warped stretcher bars”


Yesterday I decided to do a test round making my own paper. I’d bought a small deckle to begin with thinking it would be post card sized, and it was – on the outside! The actual papers turned out to be only 12 x 7½ cm. I also think I may not like the fine silk screen used, it takes forever to drain the water. So I’m going to have to make my own deckle after all I guess and have some mosquito netting I’ll try for that. Once I get some wood.


Continue reading “Papermaker”

Art** give-away!


Since this is my 500th post, and I’ve rounded both 500 subscribers (followers sounds like I’m some sort of guru), 5000 comments, a 50th birthday, and 60,000 views this summer, and the fact that despite uncomfortable interruptions I am indeed sometimes painting again after more than 20 years not, I thought we would have a fun little competition. Or we could celebrate that my ponies have been shedding their summer coats since the end of July, promising a long and cold winter perfect for indoor crafting. Incidentally, today it’s also my mum’s birthday, so let’s celebrate her too. Continue reading “Art** give-away!”