Picture wall

Current status on my latest crazy invention: all filled up. As I paint more, I’ll have to find a permanent storage place for older items, probably in a plastic bag in the hayloft where my old painting reside, what’s left of them. Some of them sadly exposed to the dust over the last 12 years.

Or I’ll have that auction I threatened to do. I decided against painting over for now, I thought they would be fun to look at in a few years and see where I’ve been. Unless of course we run out of firewood! XD

What do you think? (I’ve virtually got hair on my chest, if you think it looks silly I can take it) It’s convenient because I can take a peek anytime and perhaps get an idea for the next layer, rather than keeping my wips in a pile.


9 thoughts on “Picture wall

  1. I think an art wall is a great idea. First, your paintings are stored safely. Second, you can enjoy them yourself and show your visitors. Also, grouped together, you can assess your progress and changing themes. Jane

  2. Det kan jeg altsÃ¥ godt lige. I stedet for en million huller i væggen, har man nu “farte pladser” til at banke søm i. Hmm … min væg er fuld af søm og huller og billeder, der ikke helt passer … kunne man mÃ¥ske gøre noget lignende. Det ser meget bedre ud, end jeg forestillede mig, da jeg kun sÃ¥ de tomme sorte planker. Og søreme om der ikke hænger et styks højlandskvæg der oppe til højre – mine haiku-køer 😉

    1. Ja, en lille ven jeg mødte i Skotland for nogen år siden, de er bare så skønne at se på.

  3. I am catching up this morning and reading things I have missed…..I love your wall. Your talents astound me. I really like the blues and whites of the coulds. And the brilliant red pop of the poppies.

    1. SO – about the wall? He’s ok with it. I may be pushing my luck if I begin to hang Saori prayer banners from the apple tree!

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