Monitor sizes?

[polldaddy poll=9410853]
The theme I’ve been using on this blog since it began is quite an old one in www standards, I think it looks ok on all screens, but some themes have notes about no longer being updated, so I regularly ponder the option of installing a new one. As well as getting a fresh look in the bargain of course.

The reason I haven’t is that none of them feature all the options for side menus and page setup that this one has, so if I end up with one that I don’t like it’s going to be such a drag to roll back.

Essentially I want to simplify the look a bit without losing navigation choices and widgets. Perhaps my years of designing my own websites makes me picky, but I no longer have the oomph to keep up with programming standards when CMS has become so advanced.

What I’d like to know is, how many of you read blogs on which platforms.
Wordpress doesn’t give that information in the individual stats, and I’m not interested in generic numbers.

The menus and widgets I so painstakingly create for my own amusement don’t actually show up on portable devices, but as a diehard 24″ graphics monitor geek I persist. I’m not going to roll over and limit my own reading experience to handheld sizes (not to mention the whole photoshopping issue on 7″). I don’t even have internet on my phone, I barely know where it is most of the time – I simply don’t feel a need for it.

So I was hoping you’d be so kind as to take part in my poll. Even if you are an occasional reader who never comments or press Like, I want to know the preferences of my particular current readers, not everybody elses. 🙂

PLEASE and Thank you!!

12 thoughts on “Monitor sizes?

  1. I read blogs on my phone, tablet and Mac ( I voted above ). I personally write by blog posts on my Mac, it’s just easier for me.

    1. Too fiddly without a proper keyboard, isn’t it? My hands can’t keep up with my thoughts if I’m not allowed to use all 10 fingers.

  2. PC only, and while i get that we should be readable on “hand held” devices, i like some continuity in blogs—i tend to stick to ones that become recognizable in a sense by their appearance–i don’t like all the “re-decorating” some feel compelled to do every few months with all the bells and whistles!

    1. I appreciate your input. And I agree in fact, I like that I can find my way around favourite places.

      One reason I’m debating this with myself is not that I’m unhappy, but that I both want to keep the familiar surroundings for you “oldies” as well as make navigation as efficient as possible yet uncluttered for new readers, should they get a sudden urge to wade through old posts.

      Especially if you keep adding new topics the menus can become massive. And still I also feel silly dividing it into several blogs, since it’s all ME. And then I’d be linking here to all of those other blogs etc.

  3. Jeg læser pÃ¥ min computer, kun. Ligesom dig har jeg en dum-fon, der er borte det meste af tiden. Men jeg ser ikke sÃ¥ godt, sÃ¥ jeg har forstørret siden, sÃ¥ alle dine smarte sidepaneler kommer slet ikke med 🙁 Gammeldags mig har ogsÃ¥ stadig en Windows XP og bruger Firefox pÃ¥ en forholdsvis normal størrelse skærm – ikke et af de der kæmpemonstre. SÃ¥ hvis du leger med layoutet, sÃ¥ lad være med at definere bloggens bredde bredere edn den er nu, det er der flere, der gør, og sÃ¥ løber teksten “ud over siden” eller billederne bliver megastore hvis man zoomer ind.
    Jeg gÃ¥r ogsÃ¥ meget ind for KISS-reglen, eller “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

    1. Jeg kan slet ikke definere bredden selv med en skabelon, så det tror jeg bliver tilpasset nogenlunde. Problemet er større hvis de fleste læser på en telefon og skabelonen ikke bliver kodet om når standarderne skifter, så kan det ende med at bloggen slet ikke kan læses på håndholdte apparater.

  4. I’m like you, my phone is for texting, and half the time I can’t even find it. I know most people though read on their mobiles. I try not to think about that too much when designing my blog layout, I mostly decorate for the sake of those who read on a computer. Or actually mostly for my own sake, so my blog is a place I can go to rest my mind. I tend to change things around alot, according to my mood – I have no consistency, I would annoy Arlee very much! 🙂

    1. Sorry, I meant to add that I find your current template perfectly lovely – its clean and easy to read and doesn’t get in the way of your posts.

      1. That’s good to know. The biggest reason I’m considering this is that programming changes and if the template doesn’t get upgraded and most users are on phones, suddenly they won’t be able to see my blog at all. I have that problem with the remnants of my old pages on our server, which I haven’t updated in ages.

        Right now the most votes are in from bigger screen users, which is very helpful in deciding.

        I may just revamp the menu and make some more banners to switch around instead of my eternal tulips…

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