Knapweed continued

Well, that plant dye week, that just hasn’t happened yet. But I’m going to slowly start up the season by actually finishing some of my old halfdone posts from last year and see if that may get me going. At the very least, they’ll be out of my hair!

I’d read about saving the dyebath and use it once a week, first time I dyed with this plant. But couldn’t quite contain myself and did only 3-4 day intervals. This time I waited 3 weeks before dyeing another hank and had another surprise. Much stronger, much warmer in tone. The next one, 10 days later seemed pretty weak, so although the dyebath looked dark, I haven’t done any more.

But I think it’s interesting that it does not exhaust in the same way most plants do, but keep looking much the same after the first. I still have the jar with the leftover dyebath btw! It looks dark brown by now, who knows what’s growing in there! 😀

20th August & 1st Septemberknopurt4

I wrote last time that I wanted to do one with reeds, but although I had plenty of dye, I simply forgot. Instead one of them went in the Japanese indigo, with the intention of adding #3 to the woad, which I also forgot, having quite a handful of other yellows to try in there. Here they all are in their proper order #1 on the left:


Recently I read in an older book, that another knapweed “Centaurea scabiosa” is a better dye plant. She uses the leaves, not the flowers! Would be interesting to find and test. In fact, I didn’t know there was more than one!

So, googling this one, I’ve come to realise, that these flowers from my garden are also a type of knapweed (Centaurea montana?). Time to investigate!!! And definitely try out the leaves this year…. It has faithfully reproduced itself every year no matter how weedy or crowded that bed is, so I have high hopes for gathering seeds in case it’s good to dye, they should germinate easily in other locations too.


De sidste knopurtdanish

Siden jeg sidst havde gang i gryden, ventede jeg denne gang 3 uger inden jeg farvede igen, og pudsigt nok blev farven meget kraftigere igen og en del varmere i forhold til før. Jeg glemte både at putte et fed ned til tagrørene og til vaiden, det må blive en anden gang. Men det er pudsigt som farvebadet bare bliver ved og ved, hvor andre ret hurtigt bliver trætte.

SÃ¥ læste jeg pludselig i en farvebog af Esther Nielsen, at STOR knopurt “Centaurea scabiosa” er den hun bruger, og ikke blomsterne men bladene. Da jeg sÃ¥ googlede for billeder, opdagede jeg at ovenstÃ¥ende blomster i min have nok ogsÃ¥ er en art knopurt (Centaurea montana), sÃ¥ nu skal der researches, og bladene ryger nok ogsÃ¥ i en gryde i Ã¥r!!

brown knapweed
Centaurea jacea

6 thoughts on “Knapweed continued

  1. Q – A general comment about knapweed and Montana. It is considered an invasive weed there and Montana passed a law which states that each homeowner is required to kill any knapweed on their property. It is EVERYWHERE! Crowds out the native wildflowers.

    1. The brown knapweed I hardly see anywhere here, it looks more like it’s the one being crowded. But I’ll be sure not to ship any to Montana then 😉

  2. Lyder spændende. Jeg har ogsÃ¥ en vildtvoksende knopurt – art ukendt – i haven, det kan da være den skal afprøves til efterÃ¥ret.
    Dine farver er karamel-lamel-agtige.

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