How often?

grubleThe number of plant dyeing posts in my draft list is exploding at the moment, so I’ve run into a “problem” with frequency.

Even if I do 3 posts a week, I’m still 2 weeks ahead and that leaves no slots open for other stuff I’d like to talk about. I know that many people do a post a day, but do all the people read all the posts?

I also want to keep my current library structure of one plant:one post to keep it all easier to look up later, for myself as well. So making one huge post a week with 3-5 plants won’t work either. And what about the gardening, that’s right now as well! (of course there is always the option to not actually blog everything you do)

For myself, there is no problem in seasonal blogging, changing the main subject matter in cycles. But I realize that some people only come here for the spinning or the dyeing and they’ll most likely go away if I only write about philosophical matters or painting for 2 months. That would be sad. I do want to keep all of you here, a blog without interaction is useless.

That means I want your input, I really do. Seasonal subjects OR seasonal post explosions with intermittent dead zones? I expect at least 50 different replies. pift

Incidentally this post was written with my left hand, sitting sideways to the keyboard, because Arthur is having his midday nap on me.

And yes, I do have a teeny post for tomorrow with no plants in it whatsoever.

On a different note, can somebody enlighten me what the current trend of photographing your own feet is about? Often with flowers, in focus and out of. Because I just don’t get it. Mind you, I don’t really have a lot of cute shoes, so maybe that’s why. I do have red gum boots. Perhaps I should do a theme involving those? Or would that just be kinky….


Hvor ofte skal man blogge?danish

-  svaret er naturligvis, så ofte man lyster, men:

Plantefarvningssæsonen er på sit højeste, og dermed bliver kladdelisten over blogindlæg meget lang. Selv hvis jeg kun skriver om det ene emne er jeg to uger forud, og så er der lissom slet ikke plads til at skrive om alt muligt andet! (kæmpe katastrofe, ja?)

Jeg ved godt at mange skriver hver dag, men bliver det også læst? Blog uden kommunikation er jo kedeligt tidspilde.

Mange kommer her kun for plantefarvning eller spinding eller måske et tredje emne, og jeg tænker at de måske finder andre græsgange mens jeg knævrer om de emner de ikke gider. Så jeg prøver at blande bare en lille smule, for at få nogen samtaler i gang og holde dem.

Selv har jeg ikke problemer med sæsonprægede emner, men hvis alle garnfolkene forsvinder når jeg så skriver om maleri eller hverdagens tanker om min nye cykel, så er det jo lidt trist. Samtidig ønsker jeg at holde planen med 1 plante = 1 indlæg, så der bliver en nem struktur at finde rundt i for plantefarvere og mig selv.

SÃ¥ nu vil jeg have input – her har danskerne chancen for at sige noget for en gangs skyld og fÃ¥ noget indflydelse. Skal det være periodevis masseblogning hvor det hele bliver skudt af pÃ¥ en gang med efterfølgende dødvande, eller emner der skifter med Ã¥rstiden? Gisp, og hvad med haveindlæg, dem er jeg knap nok begyndt pÃ¥, men de ligger jo ogsÃ¥ lige NU.

Jeg kunne ogsÃ¥ lave 3 blogge, men sÃ¥ ender de pludselig med at ligge halvdøde og glemte hen hele tiden. Hesteblog, fotoblog, dansk blog, haveblog, tanker og teser…. Jeg er ikke rigtig “jeg har lige lavet mig en avocadomad med purløg og tomat som jeg vil nyde i min skyggefulde pavillon”-typen, sÃ¥ det behøver ikke ligefrem sin egen blog.

SÃ¥ hvad vil I ha’?! Dem der siger noget vinder. (mÃ¥ske) Jeg har en mistanke om at danske bloggere kun kan finde ud af af bruge Blogspot, men I mÃ¥ rigtig gerne fortælle mig, at jeg tager helt fejl. pardon

Og nu vil jeg så forsøge at spise den avocadomad og huske servietten til når det hele falder fra hinanden. Avocado på rugbrød indtages nemmest som guacamole, men det havde mit blodsukker ikke lige tid til at vente på. Og hjemmelavet hyldedrik og sol, så bliver det ikke mere idyllisk.

22 thoughts on “How often?

  1. Jeg holder meget af at du blander det hele og gerne skriver hver eneste dag !
    Jeg kan bedst lide når du skriver på dansk.
    Det var min ydmyge mening:)
    Avocado mad er noget af det bedste !!

    1. Jeg skriver gerne pÃ¥ dansk – men den smutter indimellem, nÃ¥r Uglemor er den eneste faste læser som responderer, og jeg ved hun har det fint med engelsk. SÃ¥ bliver man lidt doven. Jo flere aktive læsere, desto mere gør jeg mig umage.

      Og tak fordi du gad besvare min forespørgsel. 🙂 I morgen handler det lidt om strik.

    2. Jeg har kun Esther Nielsens gamle bøger om plantefarvning – som ogsÃ¥ er gode – men din blog giver mig megen ny inspiration om plantefarvning, som er min interesse. SÃ¥ ja, meget gerne om alle dine eksperimenter med planter. Helt fantastisk.

      1. Hej Lone – dejligt med nye navne og input. Og skønt at høre du kan bruge mine eksperimenter til noget. Skulle det smutte med det danske (jeg oversætter nemlig ikke direkte, sÃ¥ de to versioner er som regel ikke helt ens), sÃ¥ pipper du bare og stiller spørgsmÃ¥l hvis noget virker uklart!

  2. Yes I noticed that you seem to be on a dyeing frenzy at the moment 🙂 (and I am impressed with and rather envious of your seemingly endless creative productivity – I know it takes time and energy to do all those things AND then blog about them afterwards)

    As far as I am concerned, I’m interested in all subjects you write about, whether art, dyeing, gardening, photography, general creativity, so from my point of view it doesn’t matter, do it the way that suits you best, whatever mood you happen to be in (and I will read them all!). And from my point of view, there can never be too many dyeing posts, so I can guarantee I won’t get bored with that subject matter 😉

    1. and as you mention dead zones, I think they are perfectly ok too (although your blog never seems to have those). I know most bloggers feel bad if they don’t blog as much as they feel they should (I certainly do), but I never stop following a blog that I like if goes quiet for a while – I know that person is just busy with something else and will come back when they feel they have the time and mental space for it. Blogging just occasionally is better than not blogging at all because you feel you can’t do it every week, let alone several times a week.

      1. Oh, I do run out of both steam and ideas, although lately I just have to watch my physical fatigue level, everything else is on a steam train. 😉

        But it’s good to know that not everybody will forget about me if I decide to only write twice a month.:)

    2. Good, because I have about 4 dye posts all ready to go and at least twice as many waiting or already in process….

      I’m trying to NOT get to the point where it’s an actual frenzy, because that’s when the snowball starts rolling, I forget to walk the dog, lose focus of what I’m doing, my insides go all fluttery and the next step YOU know all about I’m sure! One thing at a time, very disciplined, even if I have a list of 20 items. Only one matters in the now. Done. Next. And yesterday I did nothing. Just sat here and clicked, knit 2 rows, looked at the house mess and didn’t care. And that’s ok. When I started to get bored and thinking I’d do some item, I made tea and sat some more…

      The painting and other stuff is taking a small break now with all the plants peaking.

  3. keep going! i love your posts on dyeing, but read you anyways regardless of subject matter 🙂
    and i just found out that carthamus tinctoria will grow here so am ordering seeds—next year, safflower experiments!

  4. It would be a great resource if you did a single post on each plant experiment as you have been doing. Six months from now we’ll all be grateful that we can access that reference! I think you just keep letting your dyeing drafts build up and post on seasonal things too. Summer is too short — I don’t want to miss your appreciation of it!

  5. Jeg mener: Skriv bare løs pÃ¥ bÃ¥de dansk og engelsk. Lige nu føler vi mÃ¥ske at der ikke er sÃ¥ mange, der læser alt og svarer pÃ¥ alt, men pÃ¥ den anden side vil det jo være trist at fÃ¥ alle tiders idé til e plantefarve fra dig, kun for at opdage at den er afblomstret – sÃ¥ kan man jo ikke lige prøve den af. Apropos, har du prøvet tagrørsblomster? De giver lysende neongrøn – der er lige sÃ¥ lidt fotogen som perikonfarver desværre. De kan ikke tørres eller fryses sÃ¥ det er i de kommende uger.
    I februar i år bloggede jeg som et forsøg hver dag. Der var flere der læste og kommenterede mine blogposter i den periode end ellers, men det var lidt hårdt for foraftteren og familien.

    1. Jeg havde selv tænkt pÃ¥ den med afblomstringen – fx. perikum (som jeg dog ikke er helt færdig med selv). SÃ¥ det kan godt være jeg bare skal fyre det hele af, en om dagen. Og sÃ¥ se om folk bliver trætte af mig eller om det giver nye læsere. 😉

      Jeg har godt læst om tagrør men aner ikke hvor jeg skal finde dem, naboen har nogen siv i sin hjemmelavede andedam, men han har ryddet godt op i den i år.

  6. 3 a week is fine – they don’t have to be in season to be interesting. It would be nice to mix ’em up. I wish I had the issue of having too much to write – I’ve been forced into about a month of dead-zone with nothing blogworthy happening….

    1. Ah, but you see, I’m afraid 3 a week at the moment creates too much of a backlog. And as I’ve been thinking, and someone else pointed out above, writing about plant dyeing when the plant is gone for the year is a bit of a disappointment to someone who’d like to try. So I think I’ll just roll out the dye posts in one big heap more or less, and add other stuff if I like, no matter if it gets a bit busy in people’s inboxes for a while.

      I appreciate all those of you who have taken the care to reply! 🙂

  7. Say, doesn’t anybody have a take on those foot photos? Am I the only one who encounters them all over the place?

  8. Pia I’m happy and interested in whatever you post, I’m not dyeing or doing any textiles just now but still find textile related posts interesting and always will, I’m also interested in other things people post about, life is varied, I read according to what time I have but if I don’t have time for a few days, a week, I very often go back over posts I missed on peoples blogs, I find I can have days when none of the blogs I subscribe to post then 4, 6 people all post in one day, I’ll keep reading,

    I haven’t seen any feet posts, this is the first I have heard of it, I’m also curious as to why? and can’t see the point.

    just want to add thanks for rescueing my posts from your spam folder the other week, I found out it was a problem with akismet spam filter, it was happening to others too, you were the only blogger who recued my posts from spam, thanks, Frances

    1. I don’t leave my friends in the corner! 😉

      Thanks for replying so carefully to my little survey

  9. Q – Love all of your posts! Even if you post Red Gum Boot pictures! LOVE the picture of the beautiful flower.

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