Well, did she make it then?

crabappleI left you last Monday saying I wasn’t quite up to speed in the sleepiness department. Spent the afternoon trying peppy music (I usually prefer spending the day in silence) and preppy activities such as winding yarns for dyeing, and cutting up an old fiber board for taping papers onto while painting. Thank goodness for power tools, brrrrm, zoom, done.

Then I was extra careful not to vaccuum up any of my good pens with the saw dust, but proceeded to do just that of course, getting it stuck somewhere inside the machinery. That extrication process took longer than all the rest, but such happenings are just part of any normal day around here. Gets your pulse up. Læs videre “Well, did she make it then?”

A little spin

Did you begin to think I’d given up on all the yarny stuff? Not so – just part of the cycle, a bit of this, some more of that, and on it goes.

It’s been so long since I’ve made yarn, because building the studio, because sciatica, because kittens vs. wheel climbing. Nearly had to give it a miss this time too because of a “sprained” wrist, but luckily it resolved itself with a day on ice. Læs videre “A little spin”

Sock it

Yet another planned post has been postponed today in favour of “smaller” stuff. And so it goes, lah dee dah.

I found a couple of skeins of undyed sock yarn that called to get stash busted, so first step was having fun with colour obviously. I decided to get a little ahead of times and do autumn colours – 4 skeins isn’t a lot to work with, considering I have about a million colour combinations waiting in my head, and then it turned out I had run out of 4 essential colours, so that’s a completely different kind of planning game. Læs videre “Sock it”

New favourite colours

Do you have a favourite colour combination, just recently, or one that you keep returning to?

Lately I’m a bit obsessed with the colours “Transparent Red Iron Oxide” and “Alizarin Crimson Hue” from Golden. They look great together and make a nice burnt orange too when mixed. I’m making up swatches and samples when I’m not just adding them directly to various projects.

Læs videre “New favourite colours”