Sock it

Yet another planned post has been postponed today in favour of “smaller” stuff. And so it goes, lah dee dah.

I found a couple of skeins of undyed sock yarn that called to get stash busted, so first step was having fun with colour obviously. I decided to get a little ahead of times and do autumn colours – 4 skeins isn’t a lot to work with, considering I have about a million colour combinations waiting in my head, and then it turned out I had run out of 4 essential colours, so that’s a completely different kind of planning game.

The new intent was instead “mixed mottled”. And that didn’t go as planned either as my hands and eyes took over the work from my brain!

They’re going in my DK shop until I perhaps decide to pull them back out and do something with them, but right now with all my other planned projects I think it would be way cooler if they could help me fund, ahem, some more undyed yarn and powders?   😉 A collection of plant dyed “serious” yarns would also be really neat. I’m not at all happy to quit already.

This time I remembered to put the price in the actual post, not just behind the paypal button, so maybe I’ll actually learn how to do this after a while. Because I get a kick out of seeing what people make, I was thinking about adding a general clause to the shop, make something, show it on your blog, tell me, and get a 10% coupon?


danishJeg fandt en rest ufarvet strømpegarn sidste uge og besluttede mig for en gang blandet farveri (jeg er løbet tør for visse nuancer, så det blev ikke til den helt store planlægning med selvstriberi og jeg skal gi dig).

Indtil videre ved jeg ikke hvad jeg vil lave med noget af det, da jeg ikke nyder at strikke strømper og sjældent gÃ¥r med tørklæde, sÃ¥ de er blevet til fyld i butikken indtil videre, nu med synlige priser! Det ville være dejligt at kunne købe mere garn til farvning, ogsÃ¥ med planter, men det kræver jo lidt i indbakken ogsÃ¥.  😉

Hvis jeg ender med at gøre lidt mere ud af det, har jeg tænkt på at lave en fast kampagne som giver 10% kuponer hvis man skriver et blog-indlæg om det man har strikket af mit garn, hvordan lyder det?

6 tanker om “Sock it

    1. hvor nøjagtig har du kigget efter priser? De er jo ikke her, kun hvis du Ã¥bner sokke-indlægget pÃ¥ butikken. MÃ¥ske jeg skulle have linket direkte til det, i stedet for hele butikken? Synes du priserne skal være med helt ude pÃ¥ “forsiden”?

      Fedt med input, tak!

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