Spinning combing waste

funyarn06This week I spun one of my silly batts, the one from the fluff box.

As I suspected, the really short fibers I carded had a hard time holding together as yarn. I could have spun it slowly and carefully, after all cotton can be spun. But I wanted a robust looking fluffy yarn, not a high twist rope, so I decided to try and spin it with a stronger core. Not actual corespinning, where you paint the fiber onto a thread by holding the two at a 90 degree angle, I just ran the thread along in my fiber supply while drafting.

I tried to take a couple of pix of how I hold the fiber in my right hand, then I do a short forward draw with my left basically pulling at the thread and letting the roving run loosely inside my palm around the thread. When I spindle spin I draft and suspend the spindle with my right, but since the orifice on the wheel is to the left I felt it was more convenient to switch. It didn’t really take a lot of time to get used to, so now I can do both.


I’m keeping it as a single as planned, since the colours were mingled quite well enough on the carder already. And the thread simply keeps the fibers from drifting apart.

I may do another post on spinning short fibers – when I get around to that. After all I have God knows how many pounds of that Dorset sitting around…

Yes, I know that I’m spinning in my riding breeches, I just can’t be having with changing my outfit 5 times a day. I also did not sweep the floor for the photo shoot. I really think there ought to be staff for such things – or is that children?


20 tanker om “Spinning combing waste

    1. Tak, jeg kan godt lide det lidt rustikt en gang imellem. 🙂 Tænker det kunne være kant eller accent pÃ¥ noget ensfarvet et sted?

  1. You are so talented. It’s so enjoyable to read your posts. As for changing clothes 5 times a day…i totally know what you mean…inside outside doing this and that…I find I have to change a few times a day! I try and plan my day so I don’t have to change so often! And no, kids are too busy to sweep the floors–college and following their dreams…maybe the dog will do it! ✽ ❀ ❃ ❋

    1. Wow, thanks! Makes me happy when someone enjoys my scribbles. I suppose you’re right about the kids making more of a mess than cleaning one.

    1. 😀 I like it a bit structured sometimes. I’ll find some place where it can be an edge to some solid colour I think?

    1. Well, I noticed afterwards they were looking a bit mucky 😉 even though I haven’t actually gone riding in them. And in some of the photos (not these) I noticed all the fluff on the floor and thought some might get an attack of cleaning OCD from seeing my house, LOL.

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