It’s ridiculous…

I’m not dead yet! Just slightly woozy from the antibiotics I need to take for the next month… I’ve been doing stuff, but I just don’t have anything to show for it. Nor anything super exciting to tell – maybe in a couple of days, though. You see, I’m waiting for ELVIS!

I did the shoulder strap for my sweater bag, but I didn’t sew it up yet. It’s in the tumbler as of right now. And a slight colour difference, so I think I may throw a bit of dye after the bag itself. Contemplating getting some felting needles….

I have some cloths sitting around wrapped up with leaves.

I dyed some yarn, testing to see if I could get a faded denim look to it, I could, but the skeins are all jumbled up and in the very long process of being wound into balls by hand. But that’s something to play with in the future. And a nice scarf perhaps to match jeans?

I also dyed some silk hankies to use for my cold fingers. Going to knit them as is, not spin them, just pull them out. They’re a bit unclear in the colours due to my experiments into setting the dye. I can’t ever just do something by the book it seems, always have to add a bit of “what if”.

I did have some alpaca I wanted to use for mittens, but it happened to be perfect with another yarn for another project, so we’ll see if there’s enough for mitts when I’m done. Right now I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the instructions for the yoke… Or rather, how to keep track of it all without losing my place. I need something warm and cosy for winter days knitting, spinning and writing, so the summer cardigans are on hold.

I got my lace yarn  for the Sunberry dress all nicely dyed up quite a while ago, decided to do the entire 200 g although I won’t be using that much. It would be such a shame to be 10-20 g short! I’m thinking a matching shawl or shrug could work out, I always get cold very easily. Or if not, my mum has claimed it’s her favourite colour.

I actually wrote down the formula! Although I may dye the actual dress a bit darker when it’s done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <- wave

And after writing this earlier, I’m now thinking of overdyeing the yarn anyway with the denim effect to get a slight, ever so tiny blueblack effect to the purple. Any opinions on that?

I HALF finished the collar on my ugly sweater, hoping that SW merino is softer than whatever the rest is. My first magic loop project btw.

As for painting, I didn’t even get started yet. But I persuaded the tall guy to perhaps rearrange the living room to leave me a bit of wall space for hanging canvas on! Just need to move some cords and stuff too. And negotiate the light I want overhead which is not overly pretty for a living room (first time he’s ever cared about that, WTF?) And I’ve looked into storage solutions, so I don’t have to cart my paints back and forth each time. I’m much more likely to do something if it’s all up and ready to go. Looks like a trip to IKEA…

And finally there’s my sweater project, I’ve spun the redbrown fiber, moving on to the grey and black asap. And I got more from World of Wool, so off we go, dyeing and spinning. It’s very squishy, more so than I thought it would be, compared to the Gotland I spun last year. I hope I can make all the yarn match this one in style and feel.

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Projektstatus september

Jeg laver en hel masse – men har bare ikke noget at vise frem. Skal i gang med næste farve shetland til Spindeforeningens sweater SAL, næsten færdig med at filte min sweatertaske som lige skal sys sammen og mÃ¥ske farves lidt og dekoreres? Har farvet silke som skal strikkes til fingerløse vanter uden spinding, bare trukket ud til en snor. Har leget lidt med farvning af garn og overvejer at give det lilla en lille tur mere.

Satser pÃ¥ nogen lidt mere inpirerende updates nÃ¥r jeg ikke længere er bimmelim af den antibiotikakur jeg skal tage den næste mÃ¥neds tid….

Det blev også et temmelig kort resume, den engelske udgave startede jeg egentlig for længe siden, men lige nu må I andre have detaljerne til gode.

8 tanker om “It’s ridiculous…

  1. I am so sorry that you are going to have to go to Ikea. Such a shame. LOL. Holy monkey, you’ve got a lot going on! Can’t wait to see how the silk hankies knit up. Am very curious about that. Love your “what if” spirit. Excited that you’re going to make a place for painting… feels good to have that creative space, even if it’s a tiny corner it becomes sacred. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. No fun. Feel better soon and post lots of FOs!

  2. Love the dyed hankies, and the idea of knitting straight from them as they are … the ‘what if’ factor is the most exciting part of being creative! =D

  3. Pulling silk hankies is really tough on the fingers I tell you! And difficult to draft even. But the bits that are not too stretched are very fluffy and will make great insulation I think with air trapped in the fibers which silk normally doesn’t have when spun. Only 1/4 into the process before I can begin knitting. Think I’ll wear thin riding gloves for the rest and hop i can still feel what I’m doing.

  4. Your spinning is just lovely and the colour for the sunberry dress is gorgeous. Blue black over it sounds pretty amazing! What an ambitious set of projects you have on the go! Cheering you on…

  5. Halløj, faldt helt tilfældigt over din blog – og undrer mig egentlig over jeg ikke har set den noget før. Danmark er jo et lille land, og der er ikke mange blogs med plantefarver og fiber’tosser’. Jeg kigger mig lige lidt omkring 🙂
    Hilsen en farveglad (næsten)Fynbo

    1. Hej Mona, tak for besøget! 🙂 Jeg synes mange danskere holder til pÃ¥ Blogger istedet for WordPress, sÃ¥ det er nok der man ogsÃ¥ anbefaler hinanden. Det opdagede jeg sÃ¥ først bagefter…

      1. Ja, jeg holder ogsÃ¥ til ovre pÃ¥ Blogger og ogsÃ¥ med en tosproget blog 😉 Vi har “snakket sammen pÃ¥ Ravelry, og jeg anede ikke at du havde en blog. Den glæder jeg mig til at læse i de kommende mørkke vinteraftener, hvor man ikke kan male pÃ¥ grund af de ¤#%%((@ sparepærer.

  6. It’s fascinating to look in from the outside at all this activity! And setting up for painting too. I am impressed. Love reading about your work. Keep up the what-ifs. Philippa

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