Little green wonders: Potatoes

Just a promised update on those baking potatoes that I threw in the manure/compost no-dig beds and which have produced such and abundance of leaves over the summer, no water, no care at all.

I had 4 potatoes which I cut in halves, two pieces in each bin. Six became plants. Until a few days ago they were all lush, but suddenly they withered and I noticed some spuds close to the surface. So off in a hurry to get them out before they all turned green.

And here is my harvest. Some of them are just MASSIVE!


Since we had a bit of water and cooler weather, suddenly seeds have been sprouting that I thought were lost, I think these are from Mary Jo. Your hollyhocks are also doing well!


17 tanker om “Little green wonders: Potatoes

  1. I recognize those orange blossoms and you are right they are from me. they are cosmos and give up beautiful oranges in the dye pot. it is kind of funny to see my flowers on your post when I got home this morning. Fran also wrote a post today about the cosmos seeds she swapped with me and the wonderful orange colors she got from them.
    I just love seeing part of my garden in your flower beds. and having your flowers in my garden. I am just loving the marigold seeds I recieved from you. they are so lovely. especially the tiny ones I just love them…they are so cheery and just what I needed this summer.

    1. It’s fun to share this way. Did you try dyeing with the marigolds yet? I have lots of little buds but I’m thinking of freezing the flowers and collect until I have enough, since the summer was so hard on seeds in general. Leave a few to collect seeds from.

    1. Some of them are so big I could not eat more than half even without anything else to go with it. I’m going to do the same next year, I bet they’re great for dicing and adding to long-simmer winter stews.

  2. Imponerende høst. Jeg har også forsøgt mig med no-dig kartofler, og det er en indlysende god idé. På havelyst – tror jeg nok – ligger der en artikel om at vi hypper kartofler bare for at hyppe kartofler. Dern læste jeg og lagde mig på sinde 😉 I år har mit krudt bare ikke rakt til kartofler – det må laves om næste år …

  3. I’m impressed! Impressed to the extent that I now plan to grow at least a few potatoe plants next year as well. Thank you for inspiring me. K. x

  4. Beautiful harvest! I have to admit how jealous I am… I adore potatoes. Smashed, mashed, fried, baked, roasted, grated. If you ever need recipes with potatoes, let me know, I’ve got dozens up my sleeve.

    1. Well, ok would be an overstatement, but I’m here 😉 I just don’t feel I have anything remotely interesting to contribute. There were feeble attempts at a post yesterday but I didn’t finish it yet! Perhaps today, it’s stormy and going to rain, so I doubt I’ll be tempted to be outside much.

      I appreciate your concern! :bear:

      There’s a bit of explanation in the comments to the previous post.

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