Cushion survey


As an addendum to my weaving and clothing plans I have questions for all of you:

Which size cushions do you like and why?

Which closure do you prefer?

(NOT by me)12552a5b3eb7ed43647244a1c44ea7bc

If *I* can’t get handwoven cushions from my fabrics, perhaps somebody else would like to! Because there are bound to be leftovers, and I could certainly use some pocket money.

8 tanker om “Cushion survey

  1. I love all sizes of cushions, and all types of closures. That doesn’t help, does it? I’m a big fan of eclectic, “I like it, so I got it” type of design. 🙂

  2. I can honestly say that aside from the cushions that are part of my sofa, I only possess 1 cushion for the house. It is a 12″ (30cm) cushion with a zipper closure (I kinda prefer press studs/poppers because I can replace these more easily when they break), and the only reason I got it was to get an example of a painting of mine on a cushion. Sadly they put the zipper at the top of the image rather than the bottom. I have a cushion as a back support in my truck – helps those back problems. This was bought because of the size and thickness and for no other reason. (Good point, I should probably introduce this cushion to the laundry….)

  3. I love cushions, I think I have more cushions than sitting space on my couches. Big, small, medium – any size will do, although they must be fairly squishy for hugging purposes, with one or two more stiff for supporting the back purposes. I prefer a buttoned closure at the middle of the back so I can easily remove the cover for washing; I strongly dislike zips on cushions.

  4. Alle større størrelser – dem der er 50 x 50 og 60 x 60 på dit billede. Puder skal kunne krammes og ligges på, de skal ikke kunne blive slugt ved et uheld.
    Den rareste – og nemmeste – lukning er knapper, der lige passer med at kunne gå igennem det vævede, sådan tre – fem stykker på en fold, der er ca. en tredjedel af puden. Nemt at sy, nemt at lukke og åbne og oven i købet pænt! Kig her, hvad jeg mener: Her er der kun én knap pr. pude, men systemet er jo det samme.

    1. Huller i vævningen går nok ikke, da jeg jo væver i meget tyndere garn + påtænker at sy betræk af rester fra mine andre projekter, derfor kan knaphullerne ikke planlægges. Har ikke planer om at væve specifikt til puder. Men ellers er jeg helt enig, jo mindre der skal sys af vanskeligheder, desto bedre.

  5. I love a variety of cushion sizes as well, and I don’t mind that they are eclectic in color but like them to have some color theme in common. A small pillow is always good for placing behind your neck when sprawled out on the couch reading…or napping ( more likely).

  6. I like them large and and somewhat squishy, and a few smaller firm ones for lumbar support, but mostly I like them to be reversible to some degree, so I like it best when they close along the bottom (zippers or snaps) so there’s not a button in your cheek or back if you lie down if someone doesn’t keep them the right way round!
    (When I make cushions, I just quickly whip stitch the bottom so it’s easy to snip and re-sew for cleaning, but maybe folks expect to clean them more easily or frequently, but I think with smaller cushions “boudoir pillows?” you wouldn’t need to make the covers removable.)

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