All the colours

Now that I have a list of weaving projects (nearly)* all planned out for my first set of colours, I managed to break out the paints too.  🙂 I have no hopes of producing consistent work or get into a flow with such long breaks, but I’m not ready to give it up either. My brain just lights up with all the colours.


* because I keep second guessing my choices!

9 tanker om “All the colours

    1. Thank you. <3 <3 I'm always doubting myself when it comes to painting – I should do it more but I just can't seem to let everything go and have just one hobby! And the yarn things are easier to just pick up on short notice because they are mostly planned in advance where painting is more of a go with the flow thing and requires your head to be still.

    1. Thank you. I hope at some point to have more time to dedicate to this and improve my skills/find a style, but I’m the kind of person who wants to do all the things, hard habit to let go of, I’m just so easily excited about anything with colour. 🙂

  1. Saw this painting on Instagram a while ago and really liked it. It’s a wonderful piece of abstract art. (Now please don’t tell me it was supposed to be a portrait of one of the cats!) I don’t seem to be able to produce anything abstract. My abstract always turns into a mess. I’d say don’t give up painting. Make sure you find the time to pick your brushes up regulary! K.

    1. Thank you! I did see your comment on IG but then forgot to reply as I don’t use it much at the moment.

      I like to practice “random motions with a purpose” as I’d like to abstractify my landscapes. I don’t think I can wean myself off the landscapes, but to do them photorealistically you have to be really really really good or they suck – so roughing them up instead seems to be the way to go as I like the motion of the big strokes, the colour layers.

      I’m taking photos of each stage as I thought it would be fun to some day show just how many layers and almost paintings go beneath the one I finally settle on.

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