Sea & sand

Sunday swatch this week is an actual project, not just a colour strip.

I always get a kick from the colours of nature, and this is also where I get my ideas for yarn colours in spinning and dyeing. I don’t always end up where I started, but that’s kinda irrelevant. I’m having fun.

This time I came up with the title above, inspired by various images, among them an old unfinished painting of mine that I stumbled on, some photos I’d forgotten about and then my mind just began to ramble.


So I decided to play around with recreating the colours in my mind and test if they would actually work together in a scheme, as well as look good in a variegated yarn and knitted up.

I wanted the yellow a more straw coloured muted hue than the first samples (never mix dyes when in risk of being interrupted with trivialities! Pffft), so it looks like there’s going to be versioning of this colourway.



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På stranden

Sea & Sand er en farvekombination jeg har tænkt over længe, og som jeg gerne vil kunne genskabe nogenlunde – evt. med variationer efter humør. Konceptet er havet, himlen, men også sandet og marehalmen. Den irgrønne farve er ret svær at ramme!

Så planen er at teste både på fiber med forskellige farvemetoder, i gryde, “malet”, som fletning og teste hvordan det bliver når det er spundet og strikket, samt som stribet garn.

Nogen af varianterne vil nok blive destashet, det er trods alt begrænset hvor meget jeg kan nå at spinde, men det er altså farvningen som interesserer mig mest i øjeblikket – og andre farveholdninger presser på i baggrunden! 😉 Naturen venter jo ikke, den sender sine indtryk til sanserne hver gang man går udenfor døren.

Heldigvis er de fleste af “fejlfarverne” også flotte, selvom de ikke ligner det jeg havde i mit hovede til at begynde med. Det er jo herligt, så håber jeg at finde nogen som har lyst til at være en del af selve spinde-eksperimentet hen ad vejen.

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Sweater SAL 1

I’m participating in a sweater spin-along with the Danish Spinners, a somewhat long project for most of us since we all pretty much try to do 100 projects at a time….

Originally I just wanted to spin these 4 chunks of Shetland wool, dye the white and the others as is. But… I couldn’t really get started on the browns… I also didn’t want to knit a stranded sweater. I’ve had various ideas how to design a pattern using the 4 shades without making it look like Fair Isle, but… Continue reading “Sweater SAL 1”