Open Studios

I promised I’d begin my “new” blog by telling you about the event I participated in this November. (photos at the end)

About 2 months before, an art community that I subscribe to suddenly decided we should all do this together, set the date for mid-November, wham. Er, um, whut? I’m not ready for that. I don’t have the space to do that. I live out in the middle of nowhere and it will be dark and cold. I don’t have enough paintings to show. They’re not good enough. I don’t want strangers in my house! I also don’t want nosy neighbours from the next village in my house. There’s not enough time! I had other plans, I just want to finish my paint project.

But in the end I enlisted anyway. Just to see what would happen, to my stress levels, my self confidence, my work speed, my sense of privacy. What happens if you don’t wait until you’re perfect and ready? If chances arrive and you don’t take them, will they come back?

Continue reading “Open Studios”

Round and round

I love circles more than other shapes (maybe that’s why my brain tends to run in that direction as well, or is it the other way round? Ahem, anyway…..) so I’m always interested in circular artwork by other people too, no matter which medium. Circular flowerbeds, shamanic drums, circular shapes in nature.
So I just wanted to share this Australian gallery project on the theme of Circles. Cool, colourful, circular stuff!

Jeg fik lige lyst til at dele et link til et galleri i Australien hvor temaet er “Cirkler”. Det er min yndlingsform, sÃ¥ det interesserer mig altid hvad folk kreerer pÃ¥ den front.