
Seven hours of daylight today and then we’re moving in the right direction again. The big speculation at the moment is whether we’ll have any temps in single figures this winter. Horses are grazing, so are the neighbours’ chooks. (well as I write, the latter are having a mad race across the field, looking suitably ridiculous as such things tend to do). Sun will officially be down in 2 minutes at 3:42.

Læs videre “Turning”

Show and Tell Week: Knitwips

My ego would have liked to only show finished projects this week and of course some very lovely ones. But that’s simply not how life rolls as you’ve already noticed, so today I’ll just show you what I aim to be knitting the next couple of months. That way she’ll have quantity over quality at least and I’ll fulfill her ambition to do a post every day of the week.

For my non-tv knitting I’m trying out a new to me stitch apparently called daisy chain, it requires a bit of focus and good light.. And since I couldn’t find the heathered green/black yarn in my head, I opted for multiple strands of Drops Alpaca, 4 actually, to make it more likely to be finished this season on 7-8 mm needles. A thick cardigan in progress. No pattern as usual…


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I’m often awake nights at the moment and the question is usually what to do with my time. Am I tired? Yes. Can I sleep? No. I don’t wake up, I simply never fall asleep. For various reasons which I won’t bore you with, but out of my control, and it’s not just the full moon blaring invisibly behind the dark curtain, sucking at my brains. Do I get up or just twirl in endless frustration, hating my bed in the end?

Læs videre “Night”



I’ve long been waiting to do some overexposed snow photos, but when we finally had two whole days of the stuff, the flesh just wasn’t willing and with that goes my creativity. The costochondritis aspires to yet higher levels of pain whenever I think I can move around like any other person. Or just out of spite even when I don’t.

Nevertheless, I did promise you a wind free video and this is how long it took me to have another go, so my technical skills haven’t exactly improved yet. 😉 It’s not very interesting, but I felt that just photos were lacking that delightful squeak and crunch of frosty new snow.

Læs videre “White”