Show and Tell Week: Knitwips

My ego would have liked to only show finished projects this week and of course some very lovely ones. But that’s simply not how life rolls as you’ve already noticed, so today I’ll just show you what I aim to be knitting the next couple of months. That way she’ll have quantity over quality at least and I’ll fulfill her ambition to do a post every day of the week.

For my non-tv knitting I’m trying out a new to me stitch apparently called daisy chain, it requires a bit of focus and good light.. And since I couldn’t find the heathered green/black yarn in my head, I opted for multiple strands of Drops Alpaca, 4 actually, to make it more likely to be finished this season on 7-8 mm needles. A thick cardigan in progress. No pattern as usual…


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Corriedale(?) sweater(?) 1

Week before last I threatened to spin all the corridale tops, which of course I didn’t, since the dog calmed down enough for me to act fairly normal, although interrupted. 😉


My second colour turned out much fatter than the first while getting the hang of making slubs, so I decided to Læs videre “Corriedale(?) sweater(?) 1”

Spinning again


We’re babysitting our inlaw “pup” since Thursday night, a 1 yo ADHD lab called Balto. Our cats are terrified, Arthur, perhaps needing medical attention to a war wound, won’t come in at all, but I was hoping that keeping the house divided in half would at least prevent any mad chasing. This also means I’ll have to stay in the room with the dog most of the time or he’d bark everyone’s heads off (even more than he does in my face). Morning, noon and in the middle of the night. When he’s not attempting to sleep on my feet. The three younger cats never met Max, they only knew an elderly and very sedate Molly.

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Back in the game

Found a “new” identical motherboard on and G graciously installed it for me today even though he spent all of yesterday on somebody else’s computer. Technically I could do that kind of hardware swapping myself, but I’m quite rusty and never as thorough, just tend to ram it all in at once without testing on the way. Because: “oh, it’ll be fine”.

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