Same procedure (studio project 10)

.. as last Sunday. Collect, carry, climb, cache. The house looks just as cluttered as always, so it seems incredible that all this other stuff was ever in here. I dare not imagine a scenario where I’d have to put it all back.

Big loom is still tied up in the old room with no weft to show, so I’m postponing a decision about the tapestry loom as well; but I think I’ll have to make room for it up there until the kittens are older, perhaps bring it back downstairs in winter? Meanwhile ideas keep pushing and shoving at the floodgates, I swear it’s like Black Friday. Only they change; last month they wanted me to paint, those entities have now despaired and left, the weaving muses taking the current shift, taunting me with woollen yoga mats looking like a patch of meadow, as well as deep red madder and oak leaf yarns of intricate designs. Fairy cloak colours, indigo and japanese ikat.

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Chaos into order (studio project 9)

Moving is not just the process of carrying things from one place to the other, I’d forgotten about that, since this is the house I’ve lived in the longest, ever. Sorting, putting onto shelves, planning, carrying things back down again because you need them right now. So it’ll be a little while or longer before I can show you the finished project…

Well, I knew I had a lot of stuff. I also knew I’d managed to cram it all into a very small space (ok, a lot of small spaces, but still). So I was convinced that even if I’d originally wished for another 10 m2 I’d be able to swim up there! But the number of things that need to occupy floor space in the studio, not shelves, nor stand in the way of the others, simply baffles me. I need to be able to open the windows as well as step back to look at what I’m making.

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Studio project 8

Almost done, one more wall to paint and I can move in – my arms will only do one at a time, and they need 3 layers. I wanted to take pics before filling the place up with junk though, so I thought I might as well show a little panorama.


The “bridge” has been turned into “balconies” at each end.

Last installment of this series and more photos will happen when I’ve made myself comfortable. Getting stuff up there may take a while, though, and first I need to find a vaccuum cleaner that really sucks.



Word doodling

I’ve been entertaining thoughts about how to get back in the blog groove. It may happen on its own once my mind is freed from studio building frenzy, or I could set a time every day or so to ramble and see if anything is worth saving in the end, much like sketching with your left hand just to shake things loose.

Really, one weekly post should be doable. (well, of course the experts say that blogging is obsolete, soon to be joined by Twitter, so perhaps I’m flogging a dead horse here) Ha! and I was at one time contemplating a newsletter (just like everyone else), but they’re probably dying too. Don’t worry, I haven’t so far been tempted to make any e-courses! Free downloads of various persuasions have been considered.

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Studio project 7

A little bit of progress since my last images 2 months ago. I was hoping to have made the first storage shelf this weekend, which is why I’d painted one end, but since it turns out that I’m not strong enough to paint a whole room in one session or even a quarter of it, I’m just going to keep doing every bit as the drywall goes up. And then I can get rid of the boardwalk, making it possible to paint the rest of the slanted ceiling without bending my neck out of proportion. Yes, I’m all about thinking in steps at the moment, what’s next, and next…

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