The Wisdom of Allowing Things to Happen

Apparently this reblog thingy doesn’t quite work. Anyway, something to ponder on a Sunday morning:

The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.
~The Daodejing

Post written by Leo Babauta.

This has been what I’ve been learning over the past couple of years. Allowing things to happen.

It goes counter to our usual instincts in Western society — we are doers, creators of our destiny, we make things happen … we don’t wait for it to happen! That’s what I was taught from an early age, in school and by every motivational sports movie I ever watched. So allowing things to happen is not my normal way.

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Quote of the Day

“Cultivating a regular daily practice of actually showing up and creating is the only way you will ever progress your talents, your ideas and you ambitions in creating.”

“The energy required to bring a pan of cold water to the boil is far greater than if the water was already simmering.

In creating, if we create nothing for days or weeks, then expecting to be instantly on the boil and creating at our peak, we’re like to be continually disappointed.”

read more…

and this….