Pattern testing 2

bluetunicI’ve been working on sewing patterns again, after not making any trousers from the muslins I developed last year – I wanted to be sure I didn’t grow again this winter and would be unable to wear them the coming summer! My handwoven fabric takes too long to make to be used just once, and I could just buy t-shirts, but then why would I weave? I don’t use scarves, tablecloths or many of the other things I could think of making. And G has declared that he does not want his sofa filled with hippie weirdo COLOURFUL cushions, blech! And for some reason, although fashion does nothing for me, I’m quite fascinated with fabrics and drape and keep collecting images of flowing, colourful clothes. In the end I had to make a Pinboard so that I can spot any personal trends after a while, in addition to the one I keep for clothes from panels. (We’ll get back to that eventually)

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Spring colours

Aaaand once more the garden is waking up, bit by bit. Another step up in temperature and I think it’s ok for my one forced rhubarb to come out of hiding.

I hope there’s going to be a very special photo project for me the next few months, but more about that later.

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Dyeing with poinsettias – julestjerner

An Herb Scented Life: Natural dyeing with poinsettias.

Since I still have no means of photo editing and not much to say either, I thought I might reblog some relevant posts now and again. This is one dye experiment I haven’t tried myself, and was surprised at the result!