No work, no talk

paintbanner4My recent back issue is pretty much resolved and back to its normal “slightly sore and stiff”, but of course my other physical issues want their rotational say in the matter, so I haven’t been very active this month. There’s always a transitional process going in the opposite direction too, first you have to get used to not making, against your will, then after intertia sets in you need to figure out how and where to begin again. (and sometimes why?) Læs videre “No work, no talk”

Actual doodling

I’ve noticed another interesting tendency when it comes to drawing and doodling, but felt I was running out of space in my last post.

25 years ago without internet, when I doodled it was MY creatures and shapes, I thought they were funny and original. These days, because there are so many pretty things to ogle, I see my tastes run exactly the same course as everybody elses.

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Doodle time?


How long has it been since I “promised” to perform daily doodles and new postcards? 3 years? Well, I think we can safely say that it’s probably not my thing to commit to daily fixed tasks at all, because I haven’t done much of either. Læs videre “Doodle time?”

Crafting with kids

diy-painted-feathers-4I don’t have any and I’m actually not that keen, but I sometimes end up on websites describing projects that sound like fun, so I thought I’d share a few. Autumn holidays are soon to begin here, after that of course there’s all the other holidays coming up! I remember how nice it was to do little projects like this, must be even better these days when children are living in symbiosis with their computer…

Painted feathers

Sticker mandala

Fabric Twine

Painted sticks – use outdoors craft paints for use in the garden?

Pine cone decorations

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Mark making

I have a special to-do list for occasions where either pain, fatigue, Resistance or muddled concentration keeps me from the projects that require thinking/planning/energy, but also don’t want to “just” read or knit. Or simply to shake up a stuck imagination by doing something new and relaxed.


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