

I’ve long been waiting to do some overexposed snow photos, but when we finally had two whole days of the stuff, the flesh just wasn’t willing and with that goes my creativity. The costochondritis aspires to yet higher levels of pain whenever I think I can move around like any other person. Or just out of spite even when I don’t.

Nevertheless, I did promise you a wind free video and this is how long it took me to have another go, so my technical skills haven’t exactly improved yet. 😉 It’s not very interesting, but I felt that just photos were lacking that delightful squeak and crunch of frosty new snow.

Læs videre “White”

Between the ears

“You can see what man made from the seat of an automobile, but the best way to see what God made is from the back of a horse”

In between not feeling so good this summer and again pretty crummy since last week, I had made the decision it was time to get fitter again after three years of doing nearly nothing. Well, the decision has been longer in development as such, but apparently it was time. Really really. Apart from the new problems, my back is killing me slowly, so I just have to find ways to make it stronger.

So I brushed off my boots, tack and the oldest brown pony (21) and got on. We had some absolutely beautiful, still, sunny days, perfect motivation to get started when you live in a wind tunnel.

Læs videre “Between the ears”


To help with bandwidth and server maintenance, I’m in the process of moving some of my old self hosted websites to WordPress. I don’t know if I’ll actually keep them up and running long term, but I still use them as an image bank to show old stuff rather than dig out old cd’s with my backup files.

That and Dre’s statement “horses are goofballs”, I thought I’d make a little goofball compilation here for everyone’s entertainment. Happy weekend, all!

Such a/n/ice cold morning

Winter indeed. Dog walk at sunrise.

Så er vinteren skudt i gang, frost ved solopgang.






Neighbour’s lawn had an unauthorized visit by this Houdini pony. I was thinking just yesterday that we hadn’t seen him around for a while, he must have heard me!

Naboens græsplæne med besøg af udbryderkongen Buller som bor længere nede af vejen. Jeg tænkte så sent som i går da jeg passerede hans fold, at det var længe siden, han har nok hørt mig den lille bandit.

The last day


September is for some the last summer month, but if you look at nature it’s autumn. The air is different, night temperatures drop if not also in daytime, grain harvest is usually done unless it rains too much, berries ripen and flowers wither or make an effort at a second round, not quite as showy as the first.


The kale has survived the onslaught of tiny critters I think, my weld is looking miserable and the batch I cooked up yesterday did not give very much colour compared to the small samples I did earlier. So yes, you can drag your feet too long. I haven’t gotten round to my blues either, but the temps are supposed to stay mellow, so I’m still hoping.

I’m thinking whether I want to make myself a hat this year and which fiber to use.


My back is getting back to normal after last weekend’s ordeal, just a bit of tension in my neck, still. Now of course it’s time to haul in the firewood before it gets wet again…. We get a pile delivered every feb-march, stack it to dry outside and then keep it in the shed over winter. (mind you, if we stay in this house I believe the foundation size for said shed, the original farmhouse from the 1840’s, would make a quite ok studio size for me and not too far to go to work in)


I’ve been making fresh yarn sample cards for hanging in the open but not sun for xx months, perhaps a year? And getting the solar samples paired with non-faded yarn, numbered and all sorts of organized, it took me DAYS, and I’m so proud of myself for persevering. Just have to crochet little squares to go in the wash for sampling detergent effects and then I’ll put it all in a binder. 3 years of natural dye experiments.


Next year I’ll do just a few new plant experiments if I can remember which ones have come to mind over the last few months, otherwise I’ll focus on getting as many shades as I can from just a few, lightfast plants and not bother with the fugitive ones.


The rest of my week has been spent nursing the small brown pony who came down with an abscess in his hind hoof. Treatment for such is hot soapy baths to draw the infection out and clean the wound once it’s popped open. He was quite cooperative about standing with his foot in a bucket as long as treats were forthcoming.

Some fade, others just keel over…

Den sidste sommerdagdanish

Selvom september kan give nogen fine, lune dage, så er det alligevel for mig den første efterårsmåned. Luften er anderledes, det føles anderledes indeni, jeg begynder at længes efter at lave vintermad, overveje garnvalg til den hue jeg vil strikke, blomsterne er enten visnet ned eller giver det en sidste krampetrækning med 2. generation lidt mindre farvebomber.

Jeg er endelig nået til at høste min farvevau(-reseda), men desværre er det vist lidt sent, den gryde jeg satte over i går har godt nok ikke meget farve i sig i forhold til tidligere på sæsonen, ja blot for en måned siden. De lover heldigvis lunt vejr, så jeg håber stadig lidt på at jeg kan nå at gøre noget ved mine blå planter, vaid og japansk indigo.

Jeg har brugt ugen på at være rigtig disciplineret og lavet garnkort til min mappe med farveeksempler, solblegede sammen med originale, nummerering af alle fed gennem 3 år osv. Hver plante får sin egen side i et ringbind med noter og halløj! Jeg er ellers ikke til den slags administrativt arbejde, så jeg er meget stolt af mig selv. 😉

Min ryg er ved at være i orden efter halmweekenden, blot lidt nakkespændinger tilbage. Nu er vi så kommet til brændestablen, som skal i skuret inden det begynder at øse ned i ugevis, så det trækker fugt til sig igen. Det foregår med trillebør 50 m frem og tilbage gennem en smal port, ikke noget med at bare læsse det i traileren og dumpe det foran døren! Brændeskuret er det oprindelige bondehus fra 1840’erne og ved at falde fra hinanden. Jeg går og tænker på, hvis vi bliver boende her, at fundamentet vel egentlig har en ok størrelse til et lille atelier….

Og ellers har jeg bare gået og ordnet varme fodbade til den lille brune bisse, som ragede en hovbyld til sig på det ene bagben. Heldigvis var han yderst medgørlig, bare der blev puttet noget i den anden ende samtidig.
