Finishing a task


I’m far enough into my moving process that I could actually relax and get started on some projects; still bits and pieces to sort onto the right shelves, the big loom and all its reeds and sticks are still in the house waiting for weft, a few things to be wiped for dust, then moved from the hayloft into my hopefully cleaner storage balconies.

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Window Wednesday

I thought we needed a bit of colour in my new room, so I rummaged through the garage for my bottles. I haven’t seen these since we moved into the house, they used to be lined up on a shelf under the wall to wall skylights in our old flat. But glass and kittens don’t mix well..


Spring colours

Aaaand once more the garden is waking up, bit by bit. Another step up in temperature and I think it’s ok for my one forced rhubarb to come out of hiding.

I hope there’s going to be a very special photo project for me the next few months, but more about that later.

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First blanket off the floor loom. I finished this about 6 weeks ago, but haven’t had a lot to say about it, also didn’t take a final shot. I totally suck at product photography, I just can’t find the right locations or props. But anyway, here it is, out of my hair and my draft list.

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