Little green wonders: Carrots

I remember sowing some carrots this summer, but then the dry, hot weather, my back and other issues, my laissez-faire attitude about growing what can grow and not spend too much paid water, simply made me forget because for a long time nothing much happened. And we all know how thistles and such will thrive under any weather conditions, so I’d given up on them.

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Little green wonders: Potatoes

Just a promised update on those baking potatoes that I threw in the manure/compost no-dig beds and which have produced such and abundance of leaves over the summer, no water, no care at all.

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So quiet


I’m not in a good place at the moment and have nothing much to say. I quit Facebook and my brief intermezzo with Twitter, I’m unsubbing various newsletters as they appear in my mailbox. Reducing the noise. Focus on the work. Whatever that is.

Perhaps I’ll post the occasional project photo, probably can’t resist. In any case I’ll leave it all up since I have quite a few people looking at the plant dye articles. Funny how they turned out to be the most popular ones! There will be likes on your blogs, I’m not going away, I just may not have anything interesting to contribute.

In fact, becoming wordless could prove an interesting exercise overall.

Still here

But taking it very, very easy. As much as I’m able of course…. 😉 Hot, dry summer weather helps, getting some use out of the hammock for a change. Fingers itching to finish that last bit of hedge that didn’t make a trim, but I do not want to feel the way I did last week. Garden is running rampant too – but it’s so dry this year it would have been a struggle to grow anything on purpose anyway. I see that some of my hollyhock seeds from Mary Jo have sprouted, otherwise, nothing has come up. I hope I can use my window contraption next year!

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digitalisBack in the game here, just need to install a few things to be back to normal – or better than, hopefully. It’s amazing that I got so far, because everything else I’ve touched lately has failed miserably, the elderflower cordial, the weaving with my most expensive yarn, my cooking, dyeing, you name it.

For the rest of the day I’ll attempt to clear both my desk and the work table, how hard can that be? Unless I have to remove the contact lens that’s making my right eye sting! 😉

If all else fails I can swat flies, they must be breeding like maniacs this summer, drives me bonkers and corpses everywhere.

So anyway, haven’t installed my fancy, lovely plugins yet, but it seems there will be more Photoshop happening finally, with 64 bits and a fresh start.

Hope everybody is having a lovely weekend! :bear: