Dansk fiber blog

Jeg har leget med tanken om at sætte en dansk blog op sammen med en lille netbutik til mit overskudslager. Det bliver ikke en kopi af denne blog med alt mellem himmel og jord, den vil heller ikke blive opdateret så ofte med mindre det vælter ind med brugere(!).

Det hele ligger lokalt på vores egen server som et lille eksperiment, så svartiden er måske ikke hvad man er vant til ude på det store WWW, vi ved det ikke! Så jeg inviterer hermed til test og feedback: www.farvehytten.dk

Egentlig ville jeg vente med annonceringen til der lå lidt mere indhold, men så sker der det ene, og det andet og tiden går, og så får jeg heller ikke lagt noget på fordi jeg jo ved at der ikke er nogen som ser det.

Så nu ser vi!

uk This is an announcement of my new Danish website with a small shop for surplus production. You’re welcome to have a look, but I won’t be translating it. Possibly I’ll put up stuff for sale in here as well unless it grows enough to reopen my Etsy store. Any suggestions on that front? (when I began the draft for this post I probably knew what I meant by that question, now I don’t, but I’m going to leave it in case somebody else does)



Monitor sizes?

[polldaddy poll=9410853]
The theme I’ve been using on this blog since it began is quite an old one in www standards, I think it looks ok on all screens, but some themes have notes about no longer being updated, so I regularly ponder the option of installing a new one. As well as getting a fresh look in the bargain of course.

The reason I haven’t is that none of them feature all the options for side menus and page setup that this one has, so if I end up with one that I don’t like it’s going to be such a drag to roll back.

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So this is Monday and I promised myself I’d write something most days even if it would never get published. Woke to the sound of rain being hammered against the window, so you know you’ll find me inside, possibly not even braving the short trip through the stable, up the ladder, into my construction site.

I’ve been thinking about what I want to work on once my room is done. Things that are too messy / require lots of space to spread out, which I don’t have here.

Læs videre “List-full”

Word doodling

I’ve been entertaining thoughts about how to get back in the blog groove. It may happen on its own once my mind is freed from studio building frenzy, or I could set a time every day or so to ramble and see if anything is worth saving in the end, much like sketching with your left hand just to shake things loose.

Really, one weekly post should be doable. (well, of course the experts say that blogging is obsolete, soon to be joined by Twitter, so perhaps I’m flogging a dead horse here) Ha! and I was at one time contemplating a newsletter (just like everyone else), but they’re probably dying too. Don’t worry, I haven’t so far been tempted to make any e-courses! Free downloads of various persuasions have been considered.

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