Oak leaf dyeing

I’m about a month later than last time, but the leaves are still green, acorns have mostly fallen off or will in the strong wind which is now dominating our days.

Oak leaves are a bit pesky to harvest, they don’t let go if you rip at them, the tiny side twigs however are easily torn off. So you need to grab individual leaves and pull backwards to leave them undamaged, a test in patience. There are already buds at the base of each leaf, the tree surely doesn’t mind that I grab the old ones just weeks before they fall anyway. Læs videre “Oak leaf dyeing”

Crafting with kids

diy-painted-feathers-4I don’t have any and I’m actually not that keen, but I sometimes end up on websites describing projects that sound like fun, so I thought I’d share a few. Autumn holidays are soon to begin here, after that of course there’s all the other holidays coming up! I remember how nice it was to do little projects like this, must be even better these days when children are living in symbiosis with their computer…

Painted feathers

Sticker mandala

Fabric Twine

Painted sticks – use outdoors craft paints for use in the garden?

Pine cone decorations

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Well, did she make it then?

crabappleI left you last Monday saying I wasn’t quite up to speed in the sleepiness department. Spent the afternoon trying peppy music (I usually prefer spending the day in silence) and preppy activities such as winding yarns for dyeing, and cutting up an old fiber board for taping papers onto while painting. Thank goodness for power tools, brrrrm, zoom, done.

Then I was extra careful not to vaccuum up any of my good pens with the saw dust, but proceeded to do just that of course, getting it stuck somewhere inside the machinery. That extrication process took longer than all the rest, but such happenings are just part of any normal day around here. Gets your pulse up. Læs videre “Well, did she make it then?”