Getting on

I’ve contemplated renaming the blog “Trivialities of common life” or some such, because everything has slowed down so much even my thoughts are frozen.

And I’m beginning to realize that I can’t keep postponing all of my projects until I have space to do them unhindered, because that studio thing is going to take forever and ever to be done. So long that I’m beginning to suspect I won’t be needing it anymore, because I’ll have come to a complete creative standstill, my last remnants of intelligence content to ponder the laundry…

Or I can begin to kick start myself again and try to ignore that the kittens destroy everything I touch. 😉 Oh well, it was worth a shot to minimize house cleaning, but I guess I found out the price is boredom. Time to get messy.

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Floored (and slightly bored)


It’s true that the more focus and effort you put into a topic, the more your thoughts and ideas run along those lines. I’ve now been away from both weaving and blogging for so long that I don’t really have any sparks of inspiration, I stop reading Ravelry, craft books and sites. The less I write here, the fewer topics seem interesting to share with you. I wonder how long it takes to stop caring altogether?

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Show and Tell Week: Combining elements

This is one of the first pieces I wove on my rigid heddle loom, using handdyed sock yarn. Originally intended as a summer top (for cool days) or vest, I never got past the sewing stage although I’d tried it on once. And to be honest, it was a bit too narrow even 18 months ago when I was slimmer (seems like it was years and years ago that I started weaving!). As you can see I’d even cut a bit off the length to add to the sides, but nah! I took it apart and let it simmer.


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Show and Tell Week: Knitwips

My ego would have liked to only show finished projects this week and of course some very lovely ones. But that’s simply not how life rolls as you’ve already noticed, so today I’ll just show you what I aim to be knitting the next couple of months. That way she’ll have quantity over quality at least and I’ll fulfill her ambition to do a post every day of the week.

For my non-tv knitting I’m trying out a new to me stitch apparently called daisy chain, it requires a bit of focus and good light.. And since I couldn’t find the heathered green/black yarn in my head, I opted for multiple strands of Drops Alpaca, 4 actually, to make it more likely to be finished this season on 7-8 mm needles. A thick cardigan in progress. No pattern as usual…


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