Loosen up your painting style

New class by Tara Leaver – check it out if you want to get more playful with your art.

I’ve participated in another of her courses and keep returning for inspiration, as you have unlimited access once you buy it. The Charcoal class is on my list too! Well, right now I’m just waffling through life, but eventually I hope/expect to find a way back to myself and the studio.

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Warped stretcher bars


Normally they say that if a canvas won’t hang flat against the wall and wedges don’t solve the problem, restretch. If the frame itself is warped, get another.

So what do you do if you are “poor” and kept a large bundle of previously used bars in your barn for better times, and, when assembled anew, some of them warp? Læs videre “Warped stretcher bars”

Cheap storage bobbins

I’ve finally gotten round to improving some cheap storage bobbins I got for about 10% of the price of spinning bobbins. A bit of vetwrap which I had anyway and two cardboard discs, they work fine for transferring singles onto if you don’t feel like plying straight away.

bobbin1I use my wheel to move yarn between bobbins, and since the weaving bobbins don’t have a groove for the driveband, I needed some traction. The wrap wasn’t enough however so I tried various  rubber gromets. I also needed to come up with a solution to the fact that they don’t fit on the flyer shaft, so I found the one remaining welding rod from the hackle project, some more gromets and and Bob’s your uncle!

You need to use a single driveband for this size groove, or it jumps out. And tape the radial cuts in the discs to prevent the yarn getting stuck.

The circular cutter worked like a charm too, I saw it at a hobby shop and just had to get it – didn’t cost much either.



Legede lidt med nogen billige vævespoler og diverse gummiringe for at kunne flytte garn over på dem vha spinderokken. Jeg havde lige en enkelt svejsepind tilbage som passede i diameteren, og selvom det er en gang Storm P. så endte det med at virke ret godt. Cirkelskæreren til papskiverne kostede omkring 30 kr. i Panduro, så det var jo heller ikke en herregård. Jeg ved godt man kan få et spoleapparat til vævespolerne, men så er der jo ikke meget sparet. 😉

bobbin3Jeg fandt ud af, at det var bedst med en enkeltsnor, ellers hopper den ud af rillen, og revnerne i papskiven skal tapes til, ellers sætter garnet sig fast eller ryger ud på ydersiden.