Small circles

Source: The fallen – Amy Meissner, textile artist (you’re supposed to click it   😉 )

Wouldn’t it be interesting if “everybody” took action on just a few little things like refusing straws in your drinks and telling out loud every time why. The cashier will hear you, the people in line will hear you, eventually one or two might listen and spread the word.

Movements don’t have to be big, just persistent.

Handmade soap – sæbetest

Nope, I have not fallen down another rabbithole.


Yesterday I received a nice little package in the mail from Uglemor aka “The Herbal Owl” aka “Soaplady“.

Jeg har ikke tillagt mig en ny hobby, men i går lå der i min postkasse en fin lille hilsen fra Sæbedamen, også kendt som Uglemor/Krydderuglen. Og jeg syntes lige jeg ville vise dem frem inden jeg begynder at bruge dem. Senere kommer et indlæg om min oplevelse af naturlige sæber – jeg skal jo lige ud og møge mig til før jeg kan prøve dem. Hvor er det skønt at få overraskelser med rigtig post ved siden af de sædvanlige 2 kg lokalaviser og skrammel!

I’ll write about them in two installments, today I’ll just show and tell, later when I’ve used them up I’ll tell you how I like them compared to commercial soaps. Normally we use liquid soap, but I’m interested in the non-chemical way as well as the medicinal properties one can combine in different soaps and ointments.

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Inspirations 9


I don’t do a lot of websurfing these days, but here’s a few links to entertain you. And because I’m lazy, I always welcome handy links to other awesome artists (or just plain awesomeness) in the comment section. 🙂

I hope you all have a great weekend – right now I need to get up or be faced with 2 hours of chair duty with Arthur. Either that or feed him, which is not going to happen. So I think I’ll grab one of my pills and go look at those windows I was ranting about the other day. Maybe even finish them?

Textile art using found objects – Amy Meissner

Very interesting basketry – Deborah Muhl

Cutest felt animals ever – Katerina Kozubenko

The downside of fast fashion

Whimsical dolls (figurines?)

ETA: I have admin approval on comments with links, so please be patient if you post one and it doesn’t appear instantly as usual.



So this is Monday and I promised myself I’d write something most days even if it would never get published. Woke to the sound of rain being hammered against the window, so you know you’ll find me inside, possibly not even braving the short trip through the stable, up the ladder, into my construction site.

I’ve been thinking about what I want to work on once my room is done. Things that are too messy / require lots of space to spread out, which I don’t have here.

Læs videre “List-full”


Another draft was waiting for photos to be posted but it seems that will be for next week instead.

So I’m going to have to think of something else to tell you. I’m waiting for a courier and I can’t hear the van from the loom room or the loft, so I can either knit a sock or sit here. Wish they’d elaborate the tracking with GPS, but it can be anything from now and 7 5 4 hours. (during the while that it took me to finish this post)

Læs videre “W51Y15”