3/21 days – Latest WIP

What does she mean, latest WIP?! Who on earth has just one or even two, three, fewer than 10? What about all the ones in my head!? I can see I’m just not going to have it easy with this challenge, overall. 😉
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Point and shoot 3

Despite cold winds and rain, nature persists in getting on with spring. Last weekend was fabulous which also meant catching up on some outdoors jobs before the next storm, but I managed an ultra short “blind” photo session (as in “I can’t see a bloody thing on the display in this light”) to remind me that sweater and woodstove days will eventually be over.

Today I noticed the rape seed fields are blooming, which means I’ll be scanning the skyline soon for a very longterm project that I’ve pondered for a while but finally begun to organize at least. Too windy and chilly today however and not enough sun. Hopefully it’s still happening when my back has recovered from last weekend!

How is spring coming along in your part of the world? (or autumn, if that’s the case)


As my posts are dwindling to once a month and my stats to zero, I am however still hobbling along behind the scenes, doing bits and bobs and even finishing stuff on occasion. This is one of my recent projects, which I hope will eventually help alleviate my headaches.

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Some garden progress

Some strawberries moved, some liberated from the worst crud. And a couple of struggling asparagus.

The other day as I began weeding, after running the sprinkler half a day (we hardly got any rain at all), I was attacked by a swarm of tiny flies. It was truly a whole cloud of them and only while I was working the soil, nowhere else in the garden, not from just wandering around for a looksee. I wonder what’s up with that.

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