New favourite colours

Do you have a favourite colour combination, just recently, or one that you keep returning to?

Lately I’m a bit obsessed with the colours “Transparent Red Iron Oxide” and “Alizarin Crimson Hue” from Golden. They look great together and make a nice burnt orange too when mixed. I’m making up swatches and samples when I’m not just adding them directly to various projects.

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Show and Tell Week: Handspun shawl


Another month gone by, and no, I haven’t been very busy. At the moment I can’t even weave although I have projects started on both looms and more warps waiting. It’s driving me batty! But using my left leg aggravates my “whateverthehellisgoingonwithmybuttock”. So I do stretches, self-massages and some of that sitting down finishing work that I’m usually too lazy to get done.

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Spring colours

Aaaand once more the garden is waking up, bit by bit. Another step up in temperature and I think it’s ok for my one forced rhubarb to come out of hiding.

I hope there’s going to be a very special photo project for me the next few months, but more about that later.

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