Sad Sunday

Healthwise my week has been soso, it’s still a bit of a mystery what my system is up to and why. So I haven’t had a lot of stuff to share. And I’ve been missing my Maxmeister terribly, I could use some of his cuddles right now!

Coming, Mum!

I’ll be back on track next week I hope….

Btw I think it’s hilarious that no matter what I write about, WP suggests I use the tag “gaming”. As in, that’s something I’ll never be writing about.

Meet the critters

This really has nothing to do with art or yarn, but since they’ve been such a big part of my life, I thought I’d introduce the inhabitants of this farm, my bestest friends in any weather, giving me much joy and much heartache.

Too many of them have passed in the last couple of years, so actually this is more like a memorial page. But so be it. Life at the moment is such that those who are gone have not been replaced….


My baby. First and closest for nearly 12 years. He’s gone now this June and I don’t know if that chunk of my heart will ever grow back…. He will most likely appear in photos from around the place more than once, since he never left my side unless locked behind a door, and then he’d shout and whine until I let him back out. Or in. My sweet, giant puppy who thought he could fit in my lap… Rottweiler/Labrador mix.

Also known as Max Motor, Maxmeister, Maxenheimer, Maximax, Maximouse, Porridge Head, Ouchgeeroffofmyfoot!, Teddybear.

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