How to completely ruin a painting

I had this one canvas, newly stretched which I didn’t notice was skewed until it was done. So I thought I could paint something blurry for a background to use behind /under photos of various objects. Except it didn’t really turn out very nice. And so I kept going, the original layers long gone, the idea likewise. It may still end up with 50 more layers, we’ll have to see when I get bored with it! (in fact I have several of these, it’s kinda fun, for me anyways, to look back at the different stages)
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All the colours

Now that I have a list of weaving projects (nearly)* all planned out for my first set of colours, I managed to break out the paints too.  🙂 I have no hopes of producing consistent work or get into a flow with such long breaks, but I’m not ready to give it up either. My brain just lights up with all the colours.


* because I keep second guessing my choices!

Happy accidents

I was just making swatches to check which underpaint colour I wanted for some glazes on different paintings (a green, a red and a blue background series separately), when the colours I’d chosen for this piece of paper happened to please me so much, my thoughts immediately began to run along another tangent.
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Markers on canvas

While I don’t draw all that well, for the usual reason that I haven’t practiced enough, I do sometimes want the option of making lasting outlines to a painted object or just make squiggles and doodles without resorting to stamps or trying to painstakingly get a smooth, uninterupted but still swishy and loose line with a thin brush which has to be dipped every stroke.
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Art** give-away!


Since this is my 500th post, and I’ve rounded both 500 subscribers (followers sounds like I’m some sort of guru), 5000 comments, a 50th birthday, and 60,000 views this summer, and the fact that despite uncomfortable interruptions I am indeed sometimes painting again after more than 20 years not, I thought we would have a fun little competition. Or we could celebrate that my ponies have been shedding their summer coats since the end of July, promising a long and cold winter perfect for indoor crafting. Incidentally, today it’s also my mum’s birthday, so let’s celebrate her too. Læs videre “Art** give-away!”