Scruffy Art Supplies

Last updated August 2018

“Scruffy Art Supplies” is the term I use for my handmade paints and tools for sale in the shop, using natural materials found (mostly) locally.

Hvis du drømmer om at bruge naturmaterialer med ikke orker lave det hele fra bunden, så har jeg måske fra tid til anden noget du kan bruge.

Colourways: will happen mostly according to season when I’m using plants, but I do take wishes and requests. Everything is extremely limited edition at the moment, as I’m mainly producing these materials for my own use and thought it would be fun to share.

I make a point of repurposing whichever shipping materials arrive here, instead of adding cute, pristine boxes and fancy froufrou to your waste bin and the price of your items. You may also occasionally find bits of organic matter in your paint that I have failed to filter out in my very rustic and slightly too small studio – it is what it is, but nevertheless I hope you find my offerings enjoyable. 🙂