Floored (and slightly bored)


It’s true that the more focus and effort you put into a topic, the more your thoughts and ideas run along those lines. I’ve now been away from both weaving and blogging for so long that I don’t really have any sparks of inspiration, I stop reading Ravelry, craft books and sites. The less I write here, the fewer topics seem interesting to share with you. I wonder how long it takes to stop caring altogether?

This is not so called “incubation” or any kind of block. I’m fairly certain that if I started doing something, it would flow and grow. So I’ve been wondering if this is how “ordinary” people live? By that I mean those who seem quite happy to never create, never have hobbies. Eat, sleep, clean, socialize, job, tv (OMG I’m watching House on Netflix lately more evenings than I’ll admit). I usually get really really cranky if I my hands aren’t making things on a regular basis, so this is rather puzzling. It seems you can indeed condition your brain to shut down certain modes.


I have a few things I wanted to work with on the computer while resting my back in between building, but then the other day my 20 y.o. office chair decided to run out of gas – I lowered the seat to test something and now it won’t go all the way back up. So I can either lean back, feet up, keyboard in my lap, or put a box under it and stand to type. Other solutions of the more hazardous variety have been tried out too.


What mostly happens when I need to rest my feet is that one cat after the other drop by to sit on me, it’s very cosy down here on the floor… 😀 So I get to write about one sentence on average. Oooph – The boys need to lose weight. The kittens for some reason need to sit on my chest, right up against my face, but at least I can still breathe somewhat freely even if I can’t see beep. And it doesn’t matter, because this sitting position sucks anyway. (But before I get noisy about having extra pains this week I ought perhaps to remember that I haven’t been taking any pills for it… I have this obscure idea that I must go cold turkey just once in a blue moon.)

The rest of my office is filled with piles of junk, but most of it really just needs a stoodio to live in, so I’m in a bit of a tie at the moment. For instance I should just reserve the top shelves for kittens, because everything else ends up on the floor time and again. So no, I’m not spending my wait time decluttering a whole lot right now, I just pray for storage to happen.


It may seem idiotic to postpone all big and messy activities such as painting (no water jars on the table you moron), dyeing and perhaps even sewing (yes, we can climb this machine) for when I have a kitten and people free room. I’m suffering from clutter overwhelm, and since A. I live with someone who doesn’t notice and B. my craft stuff is stored in every room of the house, it’s futile to organize everything else until my things are out of the equation. If I’m not doing anything, I’m not making a mess which has to be cleaned up.

So what’s next? Apart from getting a new chair asap.

I’ve been collecting egg shells to use for texture in paintings. Any other brilliant surface ideas?


I also bought some thick sock yarn for slipper socks, just to try it out. I don’t have any patience for regular sock knitting in fingering yarn, but 20->36 stitches in the round I can do. Also don’t have any patience with patterns for some reason, so I scrunched up my brain with the very faint memory of learning short row heels 30 odd years ago and came up with a method that works. I need something for that cold studio, assuming it’ll be done before spring. Actually I have a little tweak planned up there, but more about that next week. And Tina showed off some very chunky slippers from Drops, need to try those too!


And that, my friends, is why I seem to have dropped out of cyberspace.

All photos curtesy of my phone today, because I’m that lazy and it’s too dark to matter anyway.

13 tanker om “Floored (and slightly bored)

    1. Funny thing is, I don’t feel “fallow”, I have plenty of ideas. I just refuse to dig out my stuff only to have it ripped to shreds or covered in muddy foot prints. And, well, cleaning. I’m on a cleaning strike. So if I’m not being untidy, I can blame someone else… 😉

  1. I don’t like being ‘craft idle’ either but sometimes when I have nothing on the go inertia sets in and it is hard to get started again – so much easier to do nothing! Once I get going again it is fine.

    1. I’ve used a lot of mental and physical energy on the building project of course, but I’m pretty sure I’ll get going with the other things again as soon as I have the opportunity. Could end up having to sell the looms, but I’m keeping them a good long while yet.

  2. Kære Pia, kende du loven om bølgebevægelser? Ind i mellem har man bare brug for at glo ind i væggen og lade op. Nyd naturen og dine dyr og lad opladningen tage den tid, det tager. Glæder mig til trods alt at høre nyt om dine byggeplaner.

    1. Jeg har faktisk overhovedet ikke lyst til at vegetere, men væve kan jeg ikke endnu, og resten, ja… Håber på en stol i næste uge, så jeg kan komme i gang igen.

  3. You have my empathy, its a weird and uncomfortable space to be in, full of ideas but no energy or oomph to follow them through. And yes, that thought that this must be how non-creative people live – ! I’ve felt that too. I’m sure you will regain your creative flow and then there will be no stopping you – until the next time you need a good and proper rest 🙂

  4. I can’t decide if you like the space you’re in or if you’re frustrated! Maybe that describes the way you feel–sort of at sixes and sevens with yourself. I do understand about not wanting to start anything because of the holding pattern you’re in . . .

    1. I’d prefer to be making things, I’m not in a rut. Just physically unable to weave and challenged by clutter and kittens in other areas. But I’m not frustrated either, at least not in the way that I’d usually be in the situation. Am a bit impatient to get a new chair however.

  5. I know how you feel. I sometimes wonder for myself if boredom is actually burnout. We can’t go full tilt all the time, perhaps doing nothing is a way to refresh our brains and body.

  6. I have also been binging on House the last 3 days. I know what you mean about it not being a rut. It’s a different feeling. And I imagine it will sort itself out when it’s ready.

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