Finally getting some attention

My Instagram life being less that prolific so far, I never had very high expectations for it, but lately I’ve been bombarded with new followers. Not the kind that click ❤️ on my wonderful photos, or even better, leave a comment to engage in conversation, but more along the lines of “Click here to instamagically buy 5000 new followers”, “Join the people of light to become rich today” and that sort of thing. (and some that apparently sponsor perfumes and stuff, I have no idea what the hey that’s all about) They also don’t stick around for more than a minute, as one can discern from my utterly stagnant total.

While that’s a bunch of hooey, it must mean that I’m seen occasionally or at least pop up in some kind of statistic somewhere, right? Right? 😁

Whatever. Here’s a lovely shot from my morning walk.

24 thoughts on “Finally getting some attention

  1. Aj, du har jo mange billeder på instagram 😉 Jeg har vist hele 6 på min profil – vel mest fordi jeg ikke ejer en smartfon og skal bestikke nogen for at overføre billederne fra mit kamera via deres telefon til min profil 😉

        1. Nej, der er ikke SIM i min tablet, men den er på internettet via wi-fi. Billederne tager jeg med mit spejlreflekskamera…. Det lyder meget mærkeligt, hvis der ikke er IG for Apple produkter!

          1. Det er alt mulig – insta save, follower piczoom, ins story, instasaver, quick reposter, social rocket, photo collage – det er myriader, men ikke ig. Skjønner det ikke.

        1. Aner ikke hvad de hedder. Tror det er dem, der har store rundformede blade og vokser lidt buskagtigt. Jeg skal checke om jeg har et sommerbillede, for jeg kan huske jeg har set dem lige der på hjørnet, hvor jeg tog billedet i går.

  2. I get those too. And, for some strange reason, purveyors I’d hair extensions for black women.

  3. That is a lovely photo! Instagram bores me these days, but I try to persist as it’s where the whole world seems to hang out.

    1. Well, technically you don’t have to hang out all the time, I take long breaks from both IG and blog as you may have noticed. Or perhaps create a space where you can invite special peeps to hang instead of the masses? 🙂

  4. I’m glad you came here to post this photo! It’s beautiful–the composition and depth of field–and I never would’ve seen it on Instagram!

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