Last week, last post

It’s a bone-cold, lazy (ie exhausted) indoorsy type of week with no social duties whatsoever, yay. I’m knitting a hat from an old handspun skein for no particular reason, G is finally updating my webserver and in return I’m rebuilding the website for his gun club.

It’s always fun to see how a handspun or handdyed yarn knits up, sometimes they need crochet or weaving to show off, other times they really seem to be their prettiest as a skein. I had some which were too small for the pattern, but if I like the fit, they may become headbands for my delicate ears.

I began writing a typical “status of the year” report, slept on it and decided I really couldn’t be bothered and had no profound learning experiences to impart.

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17/21 days – Largest painting

Ooops, I fell off the grid for a week due to unforeseen circumstances. Rather than try to catch up to the challenge #21daysinmyartworld I’ll leave the prompts for later postings when I have something to say or show. Today’s prompt is “show the largest painting you’ve ever done”. Mine is 21 years old and one of the few oldies still in my possession because it was on the wall of our old flat.

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9/21 days – Where the art happens

Well, I have the most wonderful studio now. It could easily be twice as big, but it shines because A. I built it my very own self and B. it’s so dead quiet and calm and lovely, it’s to die for.
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